Building a financial cushion for your business is never easy. Experts say that businesses should have anywhere from six to nine months worth of income safely stored away in the bank. If you're a business grossing $250,000 per month, the mere thought of saving over $1.5 million dollars in a savings account will either have you collapsing from fits of laughter or from the paralyzing panic that has just set in. What may be a nice well-advised idea in theory can easily be tossed right out the window when you're just barely making payroll each month. So how is a small business owner to even begin a prudent savings program for long-term success?
Realizing that your business needs a savings plan is the first step toward better management. The reasons for growing a financial nest egg are strong. Building savings allows you to plan for future growth in your business and have ready the investment capital necessary to launch those plans. Having a source of back-up income can often carry a business through a rough time.
When market fluctuations, such as the dramatic increase in gasoline and oil prices, start to affect your business, you may need to dip into your savings to keep operations running smoothly until the difficulties pass. Savings can also support seasonal businesses with the ability to purchase inventory and cover payroll until the flush of new cash arrives. Try to remember that you didn't build your business overnight and you cannot build a savings account instantly either.
Review your books monthly and see where you can trim expenses and reroute the savings to a separate account. This will also help to keep you on track with cash flow and other financial issues. While it can be quite alarming to see your cash flowing outward with seemingly no end in sight, it's better to see it happening and put corrective measures into place, rather than discovering your losses five or six months too late.
PreSchool Children love Fairy Tales. I can think of no better way to pass an afternoon than listening to someone narrate one of the classic childrens stories of all time.
My favorite, Beatrix Potters first charming tale of Peter Rabbit. Children around the world love to hear about the adventures of this lovable little rabbit as he sneaks to the forbidden garden of Mr McGregor.
How about the silly antics of Winnie The Pooh by A.A. Milne. Every child adores a romp through...
Preschool education
Article Body:
PreSchool Children love Fairy Tales. I can think of no better way to pass an afternoon than listening to someone narrate one of the classic childrens stories of all time.
My favorite, Beatrix Potters first charming tale of Peter Rabbit. Children around the world love to hear about the adventures of this lovable little rabbit as he sneaks to the forbidden garden of Mr McGregor.
How about the silly antics of Winnie The Pooh by A.A. Milne. Every child adores a romp through the Hundred Acre Woods.
Reading takes children into the wonderful world of fantasy. Fairy Tales help to spark imagination and curiosity. Fairy Tales usually have a moral that makes sense to preschoolers. Children love fairy tales because they are usually silly and bring to life animals and toys. And best of all, reading to young children encourages them to learn to read on their own. Kids get excited about books and continue to read on their own long after the fairy tale years.
Children of any age can benefit from books, and it's always best to make time for reading. Audiobooks make it easy for parents and teachers to fit in extra reading time. A professionally narrated book is like a full scale play. The narrators bring the story to life while the children sit captivated until the very end.
Reading to children helps build vocabulary skills, become better readers and certainly reading to children will help to develop listening skills.
Just 20 minutes of reading to kids every day will make a fundamental difference in so many ways. Check with your local library, they usually have a story time program for preschoolers that meet regularly. Kids love to be part of a special group and this will add further encouragement. Build a strong foundation for your children now and see the benefits for a lifetime.
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